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The "Reducing Harms in Atlantic Communities" Conference will centre voices from Atlantic Canada and will include sessions and panels on:
fasdNL hosts a monthly virtual support group meeting for parents and caregivers of individuals with FASD (suspected or diagnosed) across Atlantic Canada.
This group is:
The Atlantic 2023 Conference Registration now open!
Reducing Harms in Atlantic Communities: Synthesizing Voices in Health Equity, FASD, & Trauma is taking place on May 24th-27th, 2023 in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. We invite you to register now (early-bird pricing is available until April 1st, 2023) to attend this event through the following links: Please note that conference registration is a two-part process. Complete the registration form here: http://www.fasdnl.ca/registration-form.html Purchase conference registration here: http://www.fasdnl.ca/registration-payment.html Visit http://fasdnl.ca/conference.html for more information. Have questions about registration or the conference in general? Email [email protected] ‼️Call for Proposals: DEADLINE EXTENDED! ‼️
Was December a little too busy? Do you need some extra time to put together that great proposal idea you have in mind? No need to sweat – We’ve extended the deadline for the Call for Proposals! The theme is "Reducing Harms in Atlantic Communities: Synthesizing Voices in Health Equity, FASD, and Trauma" and is taking place on May 24th-27th, 2023. You now have until Friday, January 20th, 2023, to submit your proposals! We welcome applications from people with lived experience, researchers, and community service providers as well as graduate students and emerging scholars. Visit http://www.fasdnl.ca/conference.html to submit your proposal! Questions/concerns? Email [email protected]. The Atlantic 2023 Conference Call for Proposals is now open!
Are you interested in attending, presenting or giving a demonstration at our next conference? The theme is "Reducing Harms in Atlantic Communities: Synthesizing Voices in Health Equity, FASD, & Trauma" and is taking place on May 24th-27th, 2023 in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. We welcome applications from people with lived experience, researchers, and community service providers as well as graduate students and emerging scholars. You can now submit your proposal for consideration. Visit http://fasdnl.ca/conference.html to submit your proposal. FASD awareness month is here! Help to raise awareness and engage friends, family, co-workers and community members by participating in our Move for FASD event, and be entered to win one of five $50 prepaid credit cards!
Check out the event page here to register: https://bit.ly/3PssDm4 How to participate anywhere in Atlantic Canada: 1. During the month of September 2022 register online ($5 or a donation amount of your choice) 2. Move! (walk, roll, run, dance, bike, yoga, etc.) 3. Once registered, you are automatically entered to win 1 of 5, $50 prepaid credit cards 4. Post a picture of your movement and tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (@fasdNL) for an extra chance to win! All funds raised will go towards supporting families impacted by FASD in Atlantic Canada. Save the Date! May 24-27, 2023,
fasdNL is hosting our first in-person conference in 10 years! The theme is "Reducing Harms in Atlantic Communities: Synthesizing Voices in Health Equity, FASD, and Trauma". Interested? Fill out the form below so we can gauge interest! https://forms.gle/igKqjzRfgfAssPim7 As the project assistant with fasdNL, I am inviting you to participate in a voluntary, 15-minute anonymous online survey as part of an Atlantic Canada FASD Needs Assessment (approved by Memorial University’s Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research).
You are also invited to participate in a voluntary 30-minute to 1-hour long interview or focus group. This research is being conducted by Dr. Adrienne Peters (Sociology, MUNL) and Katharine Dunbar Winsor (fasdNL) to collect information from individuals impacted by FASD in Atlantic Canada, and examine the observed and perceived service/support needs for FASD throughout the region. You will be asked questions about your personal and/or professional connection(s) to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and the impact of FASD on your life/work. Your participation in the survey is not a requirement of fasdNL. To participate in an interview or focus group or if you have any questions, please email our project assistant at [email protected] To participate, please click the link to access the online survey: <https://mun.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aVKJgykVjn7j2g6> Katharine Dunbar Winsor and Michelle Ward have co-authored a brief landscape paper mapping FASD work in Atlantic Canada. You can read the paper here. |
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