fasdATLANTIC Caregiver & Parent Support Group & Facebook Group fasdNL hosts a monthly virtual meeting for parents and caregivers of individuals with confirmed or suspected FASD across the 4 Atlantic Provinces (Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI). Meetings may relate to a specific topic (e.g., advocating and supporting your child at school) or a general question-and-answer format. To attend or for more information, email: [email protected]
In addition to the virtual support group, fasdNL moderates a private Facebook group for parents and caregivers of individuals who have FASD in the 4 Atlantic provinces. Search "fasdATLANTIC Caregiver & Parent Group" on Facebook. You will be required to answer membership questions before entry is granted.
IEP/ISSP Meeting Support fasdNL is offers IEP/ISSP meeting support for families across Newfoundland and Labrador only who have a child diagnosed with FASD. This service is intended to: 1) support parents/caregivers in provide information about FASD to teaching and support staff, and 2) suggest useful strategies for supporting the child with FASD in the classroom setting.
In-Person Resource Libraries fasdNL offers several resource libraries in various locations of the province. Resources may include a range from children’s books for kids about FASD, books for parents and caregivers, educational strategies, information for social workers and other frontline workers who work with youth and young adults with FASD, and FASD screening toolkits for health professionals. See below for a listing of locations that have an FASD Resource Library. ● Nunatsiavut Communities ● Sheshatshiu ● Natuashish ● Corner Brook ● Grand Falls-Windsor ● St. John’s For more information email: [email protected]
Private Facebook Group for Parents and Caregivers fasdNL moderates a private facebook group for parents and caregivers of individuals with FASD. This space is intended to be a safe space for members to ask questions or advice, share frustrations and daily living strategies. Email [email protected] to self-refer.
Training & Webinar Delivery
Customized FASD Training fasdNL offers virtual half-day or customized FASD training for professionals, families, community organizations and the general public. Our training addresses up-to-date diagnostic information about FASD, addresses stigma and shame associated with the disorder, as well as interventions and strategies for a strength-based approach. We offer training in all regions of Newfoundland and Labrador and Atlantic Canada. Email [email protected] to learn more or to request training.
We have online (asynchronous), self-paced courses available, which are hosted on Thinkific. Courses are offered on a pay-what-you-can basis. If you are not able to pay, you can still take them! Once finished, you will be provided with a completion certificate for your time. We are currently developing more courses in this same format, so check back soon!
Education, Awareness & Research
FASD Awareness Day & Month Events #MoveForFASD Each September, fasdNL marks FASD Awareness Day and Month by hosting Move for FASD (#MoveForFASD),an Atlantic-wide event aimed at raising awareness and encouraging discussion about alcohol, pregnancy, and FASD, through movement in whatever way you are able. Organize a walk with friends, go for a bike ride, swim, dance, etc., and encourage discussions about FASD!
FASD Awareness Month Proclamations To recognize FASD Awareness Month, in the past we have invitde municipal and provincial governments across Atlantic Canadato issue proclamations acknowledging September as FASD Awareness Month. In 2022, 57 communities, cities and provinces in Atlantic Canada issued proclamations and in 2023, 40 localities participated. Check out our social media (@fasdNL), or see our Annual Reportsfor details.
Rock Art Painting Guide Learn how to create FASD rock art with our FASD Rock Art Painting Guide! Also available in French.Paint positive FASD messages on rocks and hide them around your community. Take a photo of your rocks and tag us, @fasdNL! Resource Development fasdNL develops and releases resources about FASD in Newfoundland and Labrador. Resources are available in the "New fasdNL Resources" tab. Research fasdNL as a community partner, conducted the firstprovincial and local community needs assessment to ascertain the main social, familial, educational, health, andlegal needs associated with FASD. We identified key FASD needs,service barriers and strategies for improvement and access in the province and Atlantic region. Check out the report here.
FASD Work in Atlantic Canada
Toward FASD Prevention in Atlantic Canada With funding support from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), fasdNL is leading Toward Prevention,a three-year FASD prevention, awareness and training initiative in the four Atlantic provinces (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick). Read the project announcement here and learn more about our Atlantic-wide FASD prevention and awareness social media campaignhere.
In 2020, fasdNL led the creation of the Atlantic FASD Community Network. The Network comprises of community partners, professionals, and individuals with lived experience across the Atlantic provinces. The Network also has a blog featuring the experiences of individuals living and working with FASD in Atlantic Canada. Read the blog here.
Networking and Increasing Capacity fasdNL continues to network with other community organizations, levels of government, individuals with lived experience and professionals to seek opportunities about increasing the capacity of FASD responses across our province. fasdNL hosted a national FASD conference in St. John's in 2013, and our second conference in 2023.
To learn more about FASD assessment and diagnostic workunderway in Newfoundland and Labrador, clickhere.